one mistakes done, would have lots of lots of amendments to be done..
I'm just being me,most of the time..forgetfulness!!!
not having a purse, after getting on buses, taxis....
not having a phone for the damn whole day..
lost my easylink, my touch & go card,etc.......
it's not like old times anymore..where u're well pampered..just one cal, i would get what i want from home..sometimes~it would just sent to school, not even noticing i forget to bring those 'important stuff'..
it's not like old times where, just one call to home, someone's there would take them n get for u..
it's not like old times where, ppl actually make the effort to remind me what's important anymore....
countless time if u would wan me to state how many have i done of the above~
n bcuz of these, im trained to be pretty forgetful...
just happen to realize, it's not acceptable at all in work =((
be it first time, be it u forget....none were accepted..
n,be it saying sorry...nobody even bother... u just have to be sorry for urself...cuz u've ruined ur own opportunity..ur own record........ur own career........
that's the thing i don't lk bout well established company....anything extraordinary is not accepted..when u're good u're nothing...when u did bad...u're bad..tats how it works~~
anyway,my own mistake...i hv to bear with them...
like i've suppose to be sad........but i don't want to!
things aren't going too well lately..bit screwed n messed up.........
but i have to move forward...not looking back..
going to work after 13 days off!!!~plus, doing for a flight for own country =)
it's gonna be a good day still!!~
anyway,it's valentines' day~~~though none of my business but,happy valentines ppl!!
im off from love cuz im sick of having one...but it doesnt mean ppl i care bout dont deserves to be happy,as they felt lk happiness do came fr the love once~~
LoVE is StIlL aLL aRoUND!~
ps...i definitely need to change the habits, for a better me...a better future *wink*