sigh sigh~~ full time based of course have their own advantage.. but having thought of that, it's just like so not me.. =( so not going???
ytd went for a job interview near my condo. It was something new as they tested some others skills of mine which never done by other company, which is my typing + reading skills. LOL~ anyway, the typing master test, i got a 34 (dunno the unit) for speed and 98% accuracy..hahahax! lousy one.. then they passed a long paragraph asked me to read out loud >.< gotta wait 2 days for their reply, but instinct told me i got the job. The funny part is, the event is stil, DSA. Just, by diff company dealing with diff stuf.
went midvalley afterwards, n they're havin this alice's thingy going on~u guys should go anyway..they will hv a 15min show by all the characters in the just felt so alive =) the one i saw was on 7pm.. the rest im not sure~ n no pic to share...sOrRY~
this month ended up too bored as i only worked for 2 fairs. But........... my pay's just exactly the same as those of full time based, ern, mayb a lot more can i just don go?? aiks!anyhow, ander's coin shown, i shouldnt go... muahahah~ hmm... hope that's something wise.
i'm having like 5 6 jobs on hand which they havent confirm with me the dates, trainings, etc... has this particular job to involve in some kind of international meeting which suppose to be held end of the month, they pay me 150 per hour~ but, clients are now stuck in bangkok... ish!!!~
can't they just work a bit more efficient so that i can plan the whole month's schedule? =(
seriously, i really felt like wanna start the fyp dy... trust me, i do~~
eye shadow~
blush blush~
DONE!! (NO, it's not my foundation of bb cream.. it's the effect of light plz~)
i know.....lAmE~~
*posted more on pic lately..gues it'l b a lot better for those who don lk to read~
n sorry tat ther's no columns for u guys to comment too.. had some positive replies from frenz via msg or msn.. thanks for the support anyway..shuang will cont to b tough n happy =)
btw, if u guys accidentally saw wat i posted in fb, sorry tat im a bit rude.... wat i wanna do now is, to smile and accept, though i really don und y they acted that way...
ther're ppl in tis world who just know to say i wan i wan!! but yet when i gv what they wan, they wil start to doubt, oh no, is this something good, am i really suppose to go? ---->speechless~
there's tis particular group too, who regardless of what's happening, they just want u to listen to them n agree with them... (mostly those past 40)
ther's also also tis particular group who only knows to WAIT for something good to happen to them as they din do anything to get them~
also, there're ppl who know a little, yet, act lk as if they're very damn resourceful.. yea rite, they just know EVERYTHING~ (mostly those immature type of guy)
GREAT~dont und stil....
plz, dont act lk one of them.. although i think it's kinda normal.. just try not to act that way lk perhaps 10 tim, just once la k?
CONCLUSION: human are still selfish at some point yea~
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